Friday, November 6, 2009


SO it has been a long time since I posted. School does that to you.

So from that last post you can see that the world is coming to an end. I must have spent over an hour and a half crying over that. The next morning though i realized something: ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!!! My husband doesn't have it tattooed to his chest for no reason! I perked right up and thought about how I need to be strong and I need to keep fighting!!!
SOOO THEN I fell in love with their song Trick. SOOO OLD!!! It was during their 'T' tour. The costumes, which I couldn't find a picture of so i'm kinda mad but the vid is at the bottom of this page, are sooo sexy!!! :D
So I took the coolest cousin in the entire world with me. ALEAH! Which btw aleah when you read this and this :D
Anyway the cabin. SO Aleah came over the night before in her snuggie thing that was sooo pimp!It was like a snuggie suit. (just so you know i've been watching YouTube at the same time i've been typing this so i've been on this page for like an hour) We chilled in my room and spazzed for a long time. THEN when we woke up my dad was still in KANSAS! So we packed up 2 cars and drove to the airport and got my dad. Then we went to my uncle brents house and picked up a trailer. We got on the road and Aleah and I both fell asleep. Around Mesquite we woke up and my dad was like "We've been on the road for an hour and have about 2 more hours left" Really it felt like 5 hours had passed. Aleah and I stuck a conversation about french fries. We finally got to the mountains and let me tell you SNOW IS COLD!!!
I asked my mom before we left "Hey is there going to be snow?" And she said "No." So you know what i wore in the car? Flats. With no traction at the bottom. As soon as I stepped out of the car, i was greeted by a cat first, then i almost fell. So then it was great because i couldnt walk outside i didn't have to haul things into the cabin. SO THEN it was mucho freo (is that how it's spelled?) So we only lit 2 of the 4 fires with the little wood we could chop with a broken ax. So Aleah and I snuggled on the couch with meh story and meh cell phone and watched vids to get rid of meh writers block. (BTW totes ended chapter 34 aleah!)
So that night it was even more cold and we had the coldest room in the whole cabin (which i was okay with cause not only was it the same room the boys stay in in my story but , and this is soo by chance, it was the same bed that Jae and Mickey slept in) but it was still really cold. Aleah was perfectly fine in her snuggie thing. I have been taught though that when you wear something simple like a night gown or a tank top and shorts your body heat doesnt try to warm up your clothes but the space around you. So i wore a nightgown and pj pants. I forgot socks though and was too cold and tired to get out of bed. So i just froze that night.
The next morning Aleah and I laid in bed for like half an hour after we woke up looking really scary. We were laughing soo hard. why IDK i think it had something to do with french fries.
Later that day aleah and I took my speakers and had the most epic dance party known to man! Then Bailey and her friend came out and didn't like the music we were playing and SOOO tried to change it. We took over though with a little purple line :D Then that night we had a dance party and i SOOOO scared my mom with my gangsta dance moves ;)
That night we told scary stories and I have a real bad problem with the paranormal. Like super bad. So i was almost crying cause we sat in the dark but the moon was full so it was soo bright outside that it was eerie and all i saw in my head was some psychopath throwing himself against the window and trying to get in. It was soo scary!!! Aleah and I got in bed and listened to my iPod (TVXQ!) and wouldn't stop laughing cause we were hugging each other and talking about french fries.
On Sunday we went for a ride up the mountain. Larson took me on the second best four wheeler. We went so fast! The snow had melted that it was all mud. So the mud flew up into my eyes and got stuck in my hair. It was amazingly funn!
So now im sitting in my play room and this post has taken me three days to write. BLEH . . . :D
Aww this is from when he and Mickey were making Colors~Melody and Harmony~

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