Friday, November 27, 2009


So I hate that when ever I blog it's only after something big has happened or i have free time. Both of which never happen EXCEPT NOW!

So my birthday was the other day. It was amazing for the first half. I woke up NOT TIRED!! That never happens. Then I got Snow White on DVD ( I soo put a B instead of a V hahahaha I'm such a wanna be Korean!) I got the socks i wanted and i got A FRICKEN SNUGGIE!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! Hahaha. So I got to school and they sang me happy birthday in theatre. We finished watching this amazing play called anatomy of gray. It was amazingly cute and i LOOVED~ it :D
Then in science we WHIPPED OUT MY SOCKS and we put them on my feet with my flats on so I had cute little JaeJoongie's face on my feet. Then they sang to me and i have A TON! of choir majors in my class so it sounded nice. And the cute nerd Alex (for those of you who know him) hugged me and said happy birthday. Then my sweetie Justin (who really isnt my sweetie but he took of my ring one day and put it back on my finger and claimed we were married then wrote his vows and my vows for me :D) hugged me and said happy birthday my sweets. He's so nice. And after lunch monica (I LOVE YOU MY SWEETS!) was like "BROOKE GET HERE NOW!!!!" Cause i dont eat lunch with her cause I'm at seminary. So Marina and Summer are walking with me and i see monica and her back is too me and she's holding something in her hand. So I called her and she was like BROOKE!!! So she put this canister in my hand, and all over the canister is pictures of my sweet Joongie. So Im flipping out cause i mean COME ON ITS MY HUSBAND!! So she's like OPEN IT! So I did and this is on the inside
Can i say I SCREAMED!!! OHGOMO I WAS SOOO FLIPPEN HAPPY~ And sweet monica's mother's birthday is the same day as mine so her mom was like "thanks monica you get Brooke something but forget your mothers birthday" But her mom made me a Joongie bookmark. I SOOO SLEPT WITH IT NEXT TO MYNON-EXISTENT BED! More about that later. So then I got home and it was nice but then i remembered i had about 20 people staying in my house. Normally i'm okay with people staying in my house but it was my birthday and I got to sleep on AN AIR MATTRESS IN MY SISTERS ROOM! But I had the most amazing cake and THE BEST CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS ON THE FACE OF THE FRICKEN PLANET. . .
I'm in my mothers room right now with my mom and two aunts and im listening to a song from Mozart (The musical in which Xiah Junsu will be staring as Mozart) so i cant hear everything they're saying but at one point they're really loud then quiet then they laugh and get all quiet again. . . .
It is so much easier to type ahhh on a computer cause when i wrote the same thing to aleah on my cell I had to keep pressing the 'H' button.
I've been sitting here listening to that song OVER AND OVER! I cant wait to see Mozart!!!
So my life is boring and I'll write later!

Aww Jae and Vick (Haha vick was named by Junsu Oppa because it's a combo of Visual and Shock :D)

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