Friday, March 26, 2010

Not sure yet. . . .

Today is the day that Spring Break starts. Do the streamers and party gifts come out tomorrow or something? Because all I know is I spent 13 hours away from home today and during the entire 13 hours that I was away I had a bag of chips. Thats all. It's a talent to not complain cause i was HUNGRY!!!
And Becca just walked in here with a milkshake and when I ask why she has In-n-out she says bailey was hungry. Um are you bailey? Do you need food? Nope. You had dinner, how do I know? I MADE IT FOR YOU! Goodness. Then my mother says "Milkshake at 8:30 at night?" "Um yeah yum" "This is just what we went through telling bailey" Then bailey walks into the room with a milkshake. BLEH~! ULTIMATE BLEH~
So I lend out my story to friends sometimes cause people always read what I'm writing now. But what i'm writing now and what i was writing in the middle of 2009, two different things. They read page 305 and think "wow this is good" then get to page 1 and go "oh yeah um~" But what I do is I say "Leave me messages in the margins of my notebooks, dont hate and dont correct me" Well when I have the main character listen to Wicked on a plane ride to America for the first time because the main girl character is in the musical Wicked I dont want things in my notebook that say "He would never listen to Wicked he would listen to Rap or something." Um its cute. Plus the main character listens to T-pain and i think its nasty that he does.
Ms. Kayla Dunn is a DBSK fan. It made me really happy.
Oh and this blog is my journal basically. So everything I post is just random thoughts going through my mind. It has no real plot. Sometimes it does but most of the time it doesn't.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Try and Understand

Alot of people know I have one problem with me. Well it's not just one. . . but this is the main one
So here is a little list so that you can maybe understand the inner workings of my mind

•You google search Cassiopeia in hopes of finding the headquarters and joining

•You continue looking to be a part of Cassiopeia even though you kinda cant

•Everytime you see a picture from a variety show, you know exactly what was going on

•You can tell what DBSK era/phase they were in by their hair

•Are still trying to find a way to join Cassiopeia

•Want to learn Korean

•Want to go to Korea

•Want to become that staff memer that wipes the sweat off their faces after a performance

•You momentarily want to become a back up dancer just so you can touch them during the “Tohodancer Tohodance Tohodancer FIGHTING” chant

•Have already taken steps to learn the MIROTIC dance

•Whenever you talk to others about DBSK, you talk as if you are close personal friends with them

•e.x. “Did you know Max talks in his sleep?…. Micky is so crazy when he’s tipsy…”

•You start laughing with one of your hands covering your mouth (JJ style)

•You clap while you laugh (Max style)

•You’ve absent-mindedly began to laugh like Xiah Junsu

•At a particular hysterical moment you always do a “stand and walk around” laugh (DBSK style)

•You know the answer to a variety show question about their personal habits/preferences (ex. “MC: Micky, what body part do you look at first when you see a woman; You: The neck… d’uh; Micky: The neck”)

•You scream along during Max’s part in Rising Sun

•You do the little butt thing Yunho does in the beginning of “O”

•You know how many siblings they each have

•You really want to know what their favourite colours are

•When you find out their favorite color is the same as yours you, for SOME reason, get extremely excited

•You talk about DBSK to anyone with ears

•You’ve seen the Mirotic MV and Wrong Number MV an excessive amount of times

•Fell in love with Bolero within the first 6 seconds of hearing it

•You can call out who’s voice is who’s when they sing

•You look to them for Fashion advice

•Want to get your hands on the DVDs even though the only Korean words you understand are “hyung… saranghae… and oppa”

•Are able to watch a 60 minute Variety show without subs and feel like you know what their saying

•The people around you hum Mirotic against their will ‘cause you play it all the time

•You twitch everytime you hear Mirotic and Wrong Number ‘cause you’ve been practicing the dance moves and your body can’t help but want to dance

•Your friends talk about how they’ve been eating all day and you inform them about how Max eats 8 meals a day… they have no idea who Max is OR … they actually know who Max is because all you talk about is DBSK

•Your friends ask you “what’s new” and all you tell them is what new thing you found out about DBSK because that’s all you’ve been doing all day (watching Variety and Radio Shows).

•You want to become famous in your country JUST so you can somehow use your fame to get closer to them

•You know all the English words in their songs… and that’s about all you can sing

•Even though you sometimes Criticize Cassiopeia… you still look for a way to be a part of it

•You want “Miduhyo (Believe)” and “My Little Princess” to be played at your Wedding~

•Whenever you watch a performance by them you look around for something red to wave around

•Everytime you hear about their “ideal girl” you see if you compare… no matter which member it is

•You go into withdrawal when you havent done something DBSK related for a while

•Even though you dont live in Korea and still follow their Japanese activities, you’re kinda sad they’re going back to Japan soon

•You’re extremely proud of them when they write a song

•When you read fun random facts about DBSK… you know about 97% of them already

•You believe they’ve all lived up to the meaning behind their names (U-know, Hero, Xiah, Micky (lol), Max)

•You want to get a UFO account

•Because you CAN’T get a UFO account, you think up things to say if you did have one… and wonder who would answer as well as what he would say

•You KNOW they are here to stay

•You feel sorry for what Cassiopeia would do to SM Entertainment if they ever disbanded DBSK

•You’re still looking for ways to be a registered member of Cassiopeia

•You want to send DBSK a video of you gushing about how much you love them and how much you appreciate their music

•Even though you downloaded some of their songs,… you still want to buy their albums

•You want to give Micky a big hug every time you see him cry

•Even though there might be members you like more than the others… you dont dislike any of them

•You say a random “Fighting” or “Hwaiting” when you’re about to do something intense (or not so intense)

•You still laugh at the “U-Know Yunho- Fighting, Choikang ChangMin- Fighting, Micky Yoochun- Fighting, Youngwoong JaeJoong- Fighting, Dong Bang Shin Ki- FIGHTING” …….. “… Xiah Junsu- Fighting” thing

•You know the “Kamo, Come On!” Oyagi gag, compliments of Xiah Junsu

•You get pissed when people say that DBSK is overrated…

•You want to give Xiah a hug every time he does something only Xiah would do

•You see a “stalking” video on youtube featuring one of the members and feel bad that they can’t get any privacy… but still watch the video.

•If you ever meet another DBSK fan outside of the internet you immediately feel like you’ve known each other for years

•You know their birthdays but don’t know your own friends’s birthday

•If a few of the members are missing on a Variety show you can imagine what the missing members would say if they were there

•You make up sound-alike-lyrics to the Korean/Japanese lyrics just so you can sing along.

•You think up fan group names as catchy as “Cassiopeia” and “Big East” for your country

•You want to shake hands with whomever thought of Cassiopeia

•You’re STILL looking for ways to join Cassiopeia

•Get upset when people still say 800,000 fans because it’s an outdated number -there are waaaaay more than that now

•You’re in on the “Max and his ‘special’ movies” joke

•You might be the girl in Wrong Number (the one that calls them a lot) (lmao!)

•For some reason, you love JJ even more when you find out he takes risque pictures of the others

•Whenever you hear a good song, you want to use to it to make an FanVideo about DBSK

•Your body went through spasms when you found out DBSK was going to be on FuseTV

•You get as excited as the people in the show when Yunho uses his hometown dialect… even though you really can’t tell the difference

So basically this is my life. Not really but still :D

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Okay here we go, One, two, one, two, three

So I havn't blogged about anything important lately so here i go.
So my math class, that's always a good place to start. I have a D currently. ARE YOU FRICKEN SERIOUS?! I hate Mr.Cohen. My mother tells me that it's not him its me. Sounds like a cheesy break up. But she is telling me that it isn't his teaching skills that are causing my 69%. But if it is me then why are most of his students failing?
I love love love love love my english class though. Sometimes it gets annoying because the views of my fellow classmates have different views than me. That normally doesn't bother me but it's that they stand so strongly with their views they dont care what the others say and get kinda pissed.
Freshman studies is the worst class. Why in the world did they create it? The only time it is fun is when we get to talk because Matt is super funny. I love that kid.
I've been playing this game, more like a race called Jae'l Break. I'm actually playing as I type this. What they do is give you hints or clues that go with a website. At the site they have a question and you email in your answer. Right now i have 1 hotspot (website) done and the 2nd one just doesn't feel like giving me my second hotspot. :( I need 7 by Saturday.
So I am in no way homosexual. Not even a little. But one of my friends keeps doing very awkward things and people see it and claim that she is my girlfriend. She always holds my hand and when I pull it away she grabs it again. She demands my attention all the time. When she hugs me (which is about 7-8 times every time I see her.) she nuzzles her head against my neck. Then she gets like extremely upset if I don't meet her in between certain classes. I don't know if she realizes that this is reallly weird and creepy but I don't know how to tell her either. I wont say who she is. Don't guess, make assumptions, or ask me. I won't tell. but it just bothers me.
I remember when i was little (like 10 so not that little) i over heard my parents talking about how money was tight. I remember riding around my block thinking of all the things of mine I could sell to get money. Well they never really tell my sisters and I how tight money really is. To my sisters if they aren't told then they dont care. But I still overhear my parents and try not to ask for much. But my sisters still act like they did when money wasn't tight. They just spend and spend.
WOOT someone finally answered my question. I got it right. I instantly figured out the next hotspot and someone had posted the answer on DBSKNIGHTS so i had it :D Life is good~
So that's all I can think of right now. . . Oh wait i got into a 5th notebook. 300 pages baby~ I'm soo good~
Alright now I'm done.

사랑해, Sadie Elizabeth Kim