Friday, March 26, 2010

Not sure yet. . . .

Today is the day that Spring Break starts. Do the streamers and party gifts come out tomorrow or something? Because all I know is I spent 13 hours away from home today and during the entire 13 hours that I was away I had a bag of chips. Thats all. It's a talent to not complain cause i was HUNGRY!!!
And Becca just walked in here with a milkshake and when I ask why she has In-n-out she says bailey was hungry. Um are you bailey? Do you need food? Nope. You had dinner, how do I know? I MADE IT FOR YOU! Goodness. Then my mother says "Milkshake at 8:30 at night?" "Um yeah yum" "This is just what we went through telling bailey" Then bailey walks into the room with a milkshake. BLEH~! ULTIMATE BLEH~
So I lend out my story to friends sometimes cause people always read what I'm writing now. But what i'm writing now and what i was writing in the middle of 2009, two different things. They read page 305 and think "wow this is good" then get to page 1 and go "oh yeah um~" But what I do is I say "Leave me messages in the margins of my notebooks, dont hate and dont correct me" Well when I have the main character listen to Wicked on a plane ride to America for the first time because the main girl character is in the musical Wicked I dont want things in my notebook that say "He would never listen to Wicked he would listen to Rap or something." Um its cute. Plus the main character listens to T-pain and i think its nasty that he does.
Ms. Kayla Dunn is a DBSK fan. It made me really happy.
Oh and this blog is my journal basically. So everything I post is just random thoughts going through my mind. It has no real plot. Sometimes it does but most of the time it doesn't.

0 Thoughts: