Friday, October 23, 2009

What is This Post Even About?!?!?!?

So just like the title says I have no clue why the heck I'm typing this. I was just on the Internet while we watched the proposal, which is such a legit movie, and I opened a new post page and was like "Hmmm I wanna write something but I don't know what." Thus this baby was born.
So I'm totes writing meh story and I am SOOOO FRICKEN STUCK RIGHT NOW!!!!!! I have all of teh boys at the cabin my family goes to every year. I needed a way to get through Christmas so I was like "wellllll" and then Aleah gave me a great idea for the cabin so it was like okay. Now that they're there I don't know what to do. I need them to get back to Korea so they can go on "Come to Play" (Legit T.V show that is totes hilarious) and then they're getting married in Korea. But the thing that I tell Aleah the most is "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET FROM POINT A (The Cabin) TO POINT B (Korea).
And I get to go to Lissette's quinceanera. I can't wait cause I totes got a new dress that looks sooo great on me!
I've lost around 20 lbs from being on nutrisystem and I've totes gone down 2 pant sizes. WOOT!
. . . . I'm telling you this is just the most random post EVER! THE PROPOSAL IS SOOOO CUTE!!

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