Wednesday, January 27, 2010

. . . . . .

I am soo tired right now. I just got home from Ice Skating and i saw one of my friends there. It was kinda cool except he could skate really well.
I have been really bored lately but when i go to school in some classes (English, Math, Freshman Studies, sometimes Theatre, and sometimes science) i just feel really happy. Its a nice feeling :D
I started this with out a lot of friends, but now i dont have like as much as i did in middle school but im thankful for that because the nice to have some friends that dont like to know whats going on all the time but they care enough to ask when it counts.

So yesterday was that guys birthday. It was so hard. Like cried myself to sleep had to turn up my ipod so i couldn't hear myself. I felt like an emo. The whole night before (when it was the 26th in korea but the 25th in america) i broke into bailey's closet and got my charm and put it on my Colors ~Melody and Harmony~ necklace and i sat on the floor of my living room watching Chuck and Heros rubbing my necklace.
I need help. I really do.

Dried Mangos are the best tasting thing in the world. Like if you could have perfection in your mouth it would be by kissing me JK it'd be by eating a mango THAT IS DRIED AND COVERED IN SUGAR! Monica is amazing~!

And this is really cute

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