Friday, June 18, 2010

Reasons Why I Love Kim JaeJoong (Part 1)

1: His amazing laugh
2: His smile
3: The fact that when he smiles and laughs he covers his mouth
4: He covers his knees cause he doesnt want his fans to worry
5: He is just the cutest grown up kid ever!!
6: His voice
7: When he trys to speak English I almost pee
8: He cooks better than I do
9: He can style his hair better than Justin Bieber (Justin got it from Jae)
10: He will smile at the extras more than his own cast.
11: He takes myspace photos on his cell
12: He eats funny things that no matter how gross they are he thinks they are the best!
13: How he eats his ice cream
14: How he'll share just about anything with his brothers
15: He was referred to as "The Blond"
16: His way of mixing songs into rock or trot
17: His scream (;D)
18: His acting skills
19: How high he gets off sugar
20: His ability to hold liquor
21: He is comming to america next month
22: His many hair colors
23: He broke up with Jessica (TAKE THAT!!)
24: His wings
25: His black eyes
26: He wears sunglasses indoors
27: He wears glasses without lenses on TV shows :D
28: He writes music
29: His high note in Balloons
30: He reads manga to learn more japanese
31: He has 10 body piercings (he got rid of the ntaasty one!!)
32: His 2 tattoos
33: The fact that he shares those tattoos with Yoochun
34: He can stop me from crying
35: He has been in my dreams as my husband more than once
36: He is adorkable
37: He is misjaevious (I know thats spelled wrong. Read it again)
38: He makes fun of his brothers by calling them aliens
39: He is sooo sure of himself
40: He can make a mask look HOT
41: His bland sense of humor when trying to be funny
42: When he isn't trying to be funny he is.
43: His dog.
44: How he referrs to his dog as "This bear" or "This cow"
45: How he referrs to his relationship with yoochun AND changmin as "Soulmates"
46: The way he says "honey" and "Cutie honey"
47: The way he says "Kimchi!" when posing for a picture
48: He looks soooo good in a suit
49: He can pull off buttcrack head hair.
50: He can roll around on the floor and still look really attractive
51: He can stick his butt so far in the air and make me smile.
52: He can be prego
53: The way he says Chowahe
54: The way he says Suki Desu
55: He is the biggest Crybaby
56: He loves attention
57: He wants two daughters so they will always have eachother no matter what
58: He once wanted to own a store just to eat all the cookies :D (Great dream)
59: He dances in animal costumes
60: He does 1 handed pushups

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