Monday, June 15, 2009

Youth Conference

Soooooo this weekend was youth conference for my church. Basically all the youth in our stake come to Vegas (because some of them come from Pahrump) and we hang for a weekend. So i was UBER happy cause this guy Brent was coming. WOOOT HOT GUYS! So he showed up and was in a different group than me. But my friend Kristi was the leader of my group. We were the Orange group and Brent was the green group. There was also a blue and red group. So we started with a variety show and i signed up for a quick draw. Brent signed up for it as well. so i was all "YOU'RE GOING DOWN MY HOMI!" and he smiled and said "YOU'RE ON BABE!" and then i thought 'He called me babe ^//////^' Then someone called him up for sumo wrestling, and he couldn't do the quick draw! so he told the guy taking his place to take me down.

Round 1
Orange (me) vs. Blue = orange won

Round 2
Green (Brent's team) vs. Red =Green won

so i stared down Brent in the audience and mouthed the words (bring it)

Round 3
ya it was flipping awesome! Then we had a dance and i didn't get to dance with Brent TT_TT . Ya then we went to our host homes (because a ward had to stay at the same house) and talked about fake boobs for like an hour and then laughed about the mysterious ticking noise until we fell asleep.

The next day (Saturday) we all went to a high school football Field and set up water games. About 20 minutes later the All star kids showed up. Now the all star program is a group of Elem. students who are under privileged. We played games for like 3 hours. There was this slip-n-slide that was 10 yards long!!!! it was awesome thought i never made it all the was across. then they left and we went to our host homes for 3 hours. So my friend Sam (samantha) and I decieded to take a nap so we went to the spare room and layed down. Then i found a bible in german because the hosts husband speeks german! so i started to read it poorly and then Brooke (the host) comes in fake yelling at us for speaking German poorly. It was soo much fun. we had dinner at the steak centre then went home. I've got to say i cant wait until next year!

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