Friday, July 10, 2009

Goals before School

So I've been thinking alot lately, which is new for me, about what i want high school to be like for me. And all I've figured out is that i want to look better. And now you are thinking
"oh here she goes again with her vanity and always having to look good"
so if you don't care to read this stop now!
Okay in my mind to feel good about my self i have to like the way i look. So this summer i have been hitting the gym and doing Yoga in my spare time. I have alot of spare time. I started counting my calories. Let me tell you that i used to be the first one in line to make fun of calorie counters. And now i am one and i understand why they do it. I am about 50 lbs over weight. So i hope to loose at least 10 before school and if I'm lucky maybe 15. Next is my hair. I dyed it red in middle school. Like BRIGHT RED. Ya that had to be the worst idea I've had yet. So i thought well red fades fast. Well that is for everyone but me! It is now 1 whole year later in like 2 weeks and there is still red in my hair. So i streaked my hair with blond so it would grow in better. But now my natural color (which is quite ugly because its like a gray brown ) is now growing over the blond so i have this like line on my head where the highlights end and my actual hair starts. Plus I cut it about 3 months ago so it sat like on the top of my chest. My hair grows like a weed though. So now it is now over my chest and onto my rib cage. I want it to do this but i have horrible split ends from straighting my hair everyday and even curling it. So I'm going to have to cut off about and inch and a half. THIS SUCKS! My mom said i cant do anything to my hair until right before school starts. So my hair shall keep growing and the split ends will get longer. WOOOT (sarcasm). Next my feet. Now if you're still reading this I must say WOW you do enjoy people complaining about their lives. Anyway back to my feet. Since about 5th grade i started wearing shoes that my heels were not covered. Like flip-flops and heels. So my heels started to get dry and crack. I know you've all seen the ped-egg commercials. My feet are really that bad. Like they bleed sometimes. So i started putting medicine on them. I went from having 6 cuts per foot to 1 deep cut on each foot and dry skin. I think this is the best progress I've made so far! This is about it the rest of me i love!!! Especially my chest i must say that is my best feature lol :D

1 Thoughts:

DangDuy said...

Go Calorie Counters! :DDDDDDDD