Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Nicole and i have been friends since kindergarten. She has always looked out for me and me out for her. Like when i had a thing for 666 (if you don't know who he is he went to K.O and was in my musical theatre class) she told me it was a bad idea because he does drugs (if you don't know who he is now your insane.) So when she like a guy named Anthony (who i think is gay) i totally told her was cute and to go for it. Now Anthony is one of my greatest guy friends. Recently she started liking this kid Jake. He is a year older than us and is a total skater PUNK! How do you go from liking GAY guys to SKATER PUNKS! So i thought okay i never really got to know this guy. So the other day i went to Nicole's house. He was a total jerk. He was mean to everyone including Nicole! and to top it all off he called me a Bisnatch (actual word was used). So i got on face book and talked to Anthony. He agreed that Jake was a real jerk and that we needed to talk to Nicole. So i said i would do it first. I let her tell me everything she thought i had done that stupid. She told me a few things then i said my turn. I told her Jake was a butt hole and that she could do better. She said that quote "I reaaaaaallllllllyyyyyy like Jake and if you don't like him then oh well for you." I have never wanted to slap her ever but at that moment i wanted to pull my hand across her face and say "YOUR AN IDIOT AND YOU NEED TO CLEARLY THINK THIS THROUGH!!" did i. . .no. But i did ask her how many of her friends have called me a 'B'. She said jack (the guy she liked before Jake). Then she went on this spiel about how I'm not a 'B' and they just don't know me well enough. I asked her is she told Jake and jack that. She said she told Jack that but not Jake. The second you put boys before friendship is when you know something is wrong. So I didn't even reply i was so upset. So just now she tells me on facebook that she is over Jake because Anthony talked to her. WHAT?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! SO WHEN YOUR BEST FRIEND TELLS YOU SOMETHING IS OH WELL BUT WHEN THE BOY YOU USED TO LIKE TELLS YOU SOMETHING ITS LIKE GOD HAS COME TO YOU IN PERSON AND HAS SHOWED YOU THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!! I'm so mad at her right now! And i know how selfish i sound but oh well this is my blog and i will sound the way i want!

1 Thoughts:

Mary said...

Perhaps gay men just have a way with words.