Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"We'll See You Then!"

Man that phrase never gets old. I just finished watching the last episode of OHSHC in English. I watched the series once in Japanese and then bought the first half for my birthday. I was going to wait to buy the rest for my birthday this year but then i found out that Funimation uploaded the entire series to Youtube! Happy day in my house. Anyway, i watched the last episode and when the music started playing when Haruhi snapped the reigns i just burst into tears. Like full on coughing and choking and breathing deeply with sobs in between. It was horrible how upset i was getting but then i realized why. I have been following this anime ever since before it was licenced for Funimation. I waited to know the cast and i jumped and screamed when i found out who they were. I asked for the DVDs everyday after it came out. Even after it came out i read Caitlin Glass's blog on the production. (her birthday is in Nov. so that makes her cool!) The sobs didn't stop until i got in the shower. I normally sing in the shower because no one can see me only hear me. So i got in there and just sat under the water for a few minutes until my crying stopped. Then i wanted to sing but the only songs that came to mind were the opening and closing themes for the show so that all i sang for the 20 minutes i was in the shower. Can i say that my sisters wanted to slap me :) I love that show and i recommend it to everyone and even will let people borrow the DVDs i do have. It will always and forever be in my heart.

1 Thoughts:

DangDuy said...

You gotta love your... erm... anime then right? :D