Monday, July 6, 2009


Okay I am a Ressembol Ranger. We are a group of fans started by Vic Mignogna. He has played some roles in anime most people know. Edward Elric, Tamaki Sou, Dark Mousy, and a bunch of others you can look up on your own! Well being a Ranger my leader, General Pam, often sends me updates she gets from Vic himself. So I open my email, which I don't open this one that often cause i get alot of spam, and I have 3 messages from Pam. 2 are about Anime Expo and how there will be a Funimation booth, and about special Full Metal Alchemist Brothers pens that there will only be 200 of. The third ones subject was eBay so i was intrigued. I open it and it has this link . So i was all okay whats this. A signed iPhone from Vic that last time i checked was going for over $1000!!!!! I would rather buy the phone and take it to a con and have him sign it. Lol sometimes fans crack me up. Don't get me wrong i want it but i wouldn't pay that much money for it!!!!!

2 Thoughts:

Mary said...

It's just like on George Lopez, where George buys some famous athlete's underwear off eBay. *shudder* Repulsive.

Soon Bok said...

lol it just cracks me up how far these fans are willing to go for a Vic Mignogna iPhone lol